Video Capture
CréAct’IV Sciences can carry out your private or public video recordings.
Thanks to our technical means, we have the capacity to answer a very broad panel of project:
- with or without the presence of an audience,
- live on internet or simply recorded,
- interactive video editing with quizzes,
Whatever your project, we can help you organize and prepare it.
Contact us via the contact page to get a custom quote, at an attractive rate.

The service offer ‘video capture’ includes :
- the technical means necessary to film your project,
- the commitment of delivery for the editing,
- the legal documents of image rights (if public broadcasting) or confidentiality and non-broadcasting (between you and CréAct’IV Sciences for your project which you reserve the use),
- the provision of the video by download link or usb key,
The service offer does not include:
- the creation of the script or scripting of your project,
- the aspects in margin of the capture, make-up, special effects (other than inlaying green background and chroma),
About us :
CréAct’IV Sciences is an association for culture and the creation of popular science events.
Contact us :
Mail : contact(@)
Telephone : +33 (0)7 81 83 87 35