Our Animations
Here is an overview of the animations, workshops and exhibitions proposed by Créact’IV Sciences. We regularly develop new modules to enrich our catalogue. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Visualize gravity
Interactive animation presenting Gravity: simulation of the solar system (earth moon etc) using a space-time simulator. Possibility to extend on the relativistic theories from Galileo to Einstein. Possible option with the "focus black holes" workshop

Discovery of the electromagnetic force
Interactive animation to discover the electromagnetic force (from magnets to electric motor)

World Space Week Exposition
Exhibition of models with descriptive panels on the theme of space. Exhibited every year during the World Space Week event.

Black hole focus
Workshop animated with a model showing the distortion of time when approaching a black hole, a "curvature box" and a simulation of an accretion disc.

Astronomical instruments
Static display of astronomical instruments (telescope, radio telescope)

Depicting the Solar System
Interactive animation. Lecture on the solar system with a performance by a street-artist letting his imagination take over the idea of a planetary system. Artwork by CAPIE street-artist http://www.art-by-capie.com

Augmented Reality Sandbox
Based on the original idea of a group of researchers in the Czech Republic, the idea was improved by the University of California - Davis (UC Davis). Simply model the sand by hand and the landscape comes to life! The sand is animated in real time with a color map according to altitude, topographic contours and water are simulated.

Tornadoes and Vortex
This exceptional and particularly impressive meteorological phenomenon of tornadoes is little known in France although it is regularly affected. This workshop of the meteorology theme will teach you the mechanisms leading to this phenomenon, as well as waterspouts, and what convection is (with a focus on sea currents).

Robotics allows the automation of many repetitive and dangerous tasks. Very widespread, it is now a must in our modern industries. This workshop allows to interest schoolchildren and the general public in this field which is constantly evolving and becoming more popular.

Physarum Polycephalum - The Blob
Neither animal, plant nor fungus, the "blob" (Physarum polycephalum) is a curious organism. Composed of a single giant cell, and although it has no brain, it is capable of learning from its experiences, and even better, it can transmit its learning to a congener by merging with it. CréAct'IV Sciences proposes a workshop to discover this fascinating being.

We offer a large number of functional models allowing to easily understand the workings of the mechanics... Many models on display such as : - functional gearbox to understand how it works, - differential transmission, - marble circuits to show some mechanical tricks to raise the marbles, - animatronic eye to find out how to simulate a glance

Falling Bodies - Weighing the Earth
Following the long periods of obscurantism that favored geocentrism, the Earth at the center of everything... Great Men like Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton, have opened astronomy to modern science, and to understand the fundamental notions of space and time. Several workshops will demonstrate the notion of gravity, the fall of bodies in the air as well as in the vacuum.

Why is the Earth necessarily round?
With the propagation of conspiracy theories and in echo to that of the Flat Earth, CréAct'IV Sciences will demonstrate why our planet is necessarily round! A large workshop with numerous demonstrations of a round earth!

Chemistry and Nature
This workshop will make you discover from which minerals are extracted the materials and metals we know. What metals are found in our food? In what forms are most of the known elements found?
About us :
CréAct’IV Sciences is an association for culture and the creation of popular science events.
Contact us :